Airport no longer working


The past few days, my computer has been having problems connecting to the wireless network at home. Almost every time the laptop goes to sleep, it self assigns an ip address and I cannot get online. I have tried restarting the computer, resetting the router and scrapping the airport preference file.

I have also contacted our internet provider who directed me to set up a new network location and to manually input the ip address. This hasnt worked either. Although the network setting no longer says the compute hasnt self assigned an ip address and says it is connected to the internet, I cant connect in the browser.

The IT guy said he was stumped and had no idea what is wrong.

The only thing I can think of doing at this stage is a complete reinstall, but would like to avoid that if there is any possible option remaining.
Boot into Safe mode then reboot back into your regular account. Sometimes this fixes the problem.

Plus always help yourself and see if OS X still sees the Airport card. Just hold down the 'option' key' while clicking on the top left Apple symbol and the drop down will have "System Profiler". Launch that and see if the Mac still sees the Airport card.

Lastly what version of Os X are you running? What Mac are you running? Are you you running this Mac on a domain of some kind since you mentioned an IT person.

When asking for help please include details because people can not read your mind on the net.