Amazing New Hard Drive


Hey Everybody check out my amazing new hard drive!

I don't konw what is more amazing about it- the fact that I got a 150GB Firewire drive for $153 retail or the fact that I am using somewhere one the order of 10^9 times the capacity fo the drive without writing a single file. I guess it shows how confident Apple is in the long term success of Panther, if they are programming the OS to display cpacities in exabytes.

(This image is from Panther 7B21, hence the forum The, ahem, problem, disappeared when I wrote the first file to the HD)


  • hard drive.jpg
    hard drive.jpg
    95.3 KB · Views: 167
Wow, out of 149 GB you have 1.2 TB left, from the 16 EB you're using! Amazing...

Where'd you get the drive? I'd like to get a new HD myself, and the cheaper the better, of course.
Well, Arden-
If you really want to know, go to>Hard Drive>160 GB FW>the cheapest on they have listed. It's actually $163, not $161 but I got it for $153 becaue MSBlast delayed the order. A Windows virus actually benefitted a Mac user. Imagine that.
Heh, okay... I've kept my eye on some of the stuff they have on Pricewatch, but I don't have any money right now. With my new job, I'll start saving, though I'm hoping to spring for a G5.
Originally posted by alphap1us
Hey Everybody check out my amazing new hard drive!

I don't konw what is more amazing about it- the fact that I got a 150GB Firewire drive for $153 retail or the fact that I am using somewhere one the order of 10^9 times the capacity fo the drive without writing a single file. I guess it shows how confident Apple is in the long term success of Panther, if they are programming the OS to display cpacities in exabytes.

(This image is from Panther 7B21, hence the forum The, ahem, problem, disappeared when I wrote the first file to the HD)

You may want to check if that drive has a NASA label :p
Or Borg nanoprobes, they may be using those to vastly increase the possible disk size... ::alien:: ;)