

Yeah, Androo.
Okay, i'm jewish, i celebrate passover. I hate passover. I have my family come over - that's why i hate it. I had so many important bookmarks, and so many things on my bookmark bar. They were soooo important, website stuff, stuff that is hard to find that is important and all to me. So my uncle comes in and practically kicks me off my OWN imac in my room. He starts using safari, plays around with the dock. When i left the room cuz he was boring me, he somehow figured out how to drag all the bookmarks on the bar off. So then i didn't have those. THEN he probably tried to click on the bookmarks icon, and deleted all of them. So now i am screwed. Why me!?
Wow, I am sorry, I am also laughing, but still I'm sorry. This brings up two of my memories.

First, my sister was away taking graphic design courses. My parents and I pitched in and got her a PowerMac 6100 which at the time was a great machine. One of her classmates convinced her that optimizing the hard drive was essential so she did it. Well, almost did it. It was taking a long time so she decided to power down. This is a fatally bad mood during an optimization and I ended up having to drive 3 hours to rescue it. To add insult to injury I figured I'd be able to scam a meal off of her, but the only thing she had was a loaf of wonderbread.

The second story: Her 6100 was no longer up to snuff. I had a PowerMac 9500 which I still used but I could afford a new machine. I figured I'd donate it to her and install a hidden linux drive so I can work remotely when I visit. Some months later she has a problem with the hard drive. I tell her how to use Norton Utilities. She calls me back and she's ecstatic. Not only did it recover her data she now has an additional 4.3 gigabytes of storage! This puzzles me, something must have gone horribly wrong with Norton to report the wrong disk drive capacity. She's talking away as I have her drag stuff to the new hard drive, check the disk free on both and such. Then it dawns on me. Crap, she found my linux partition and formatted it.
wheeeeeeeeeeeeew i noticed that the bookmarks and bookmarks bar was copied into another bookmarks directory. I just copied em into the appropriate places. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
Wow, your uncle does not have good manners. What would he think if you went to HIS mac and changed HIS dock and bookmarks ... make a backup copy of your bookmarks and all other important stuff and try to laugh.
Hey, how do you celebrate passover, other than all family and all that stuff? Do Jews have e.g. some special traditions (habits, foods etc)? :)
Foolish mortal. Why do you not yet realize that creating a guest account is not only possible but practically instantaneous on Mac OS X? Next time you will do the right thing.

And I am saddened to hear you are more emotionally bonded to your icons than your family.
ksv: lol yea... yours made the most sense. lol you're funny slur... foolish mortal? you're like the bad guy who you kno is supposed to die in horribly written movies....
And I am saddened to hear you are more emotionally bonded to your icons than your family.

The fact that he's bothered by his uncle having messed with his computer does not make him more attached to his "icons" than to his family. Can't he have both family AND "icons"? Is that too much to ask?