Anybody else not renewing their .Mac account?


Although it has it's good points, I finally decided to not renew my .Mac account.

There just isn't enough benefit to warrant such a high price. The only items I ever used where iDisk and Virex. iDisk was way too small of drive space as well.

For those of you that have one and don't want to renew, be sure to "uncheck" your auto-renew status, or they will automatically bill your credit card.

.Mac definately didn't make it easy to find. It's under the "credit card" setting.

I already renewed mine, I love having a big email box and the Homepage .. not to mention the free goodies they provide every few months. The ease-of-use and integration with my Mac make it worth $8.50 / month, IMO.
Thanks for the tip, slo – I just decided yesterday not to renew mine because of so many problems with Backup, which would be my main reason for keeping it on. It works, it doesn't work, it works, it doesn't work – too flaky to keep paying for.
I actually make good use of .Mac. I found it very worthwhile and convenient.

For one, the free music library (initially only available through .Mac) was a huge bonus that I used on many video edits and still use.

The disk space I use as temp storage for client review files, so I don't fill my own server with junk that I know I should clean out, but forget to do so.

Also, even though I do web design with pro apps, I like their quick and dirty site design tools, which I also use for client review. You know, throw up the latest video edit wrapped in Apple's cute movie theatre theme. Fun and easy. Easier in many cases than if I used Dreamweaver and FTP'd it.

I also like the convenience of .Mac as the storage center for my Calendar and iSync info. Throw the iPod in the middle and .Mac makes for a great, easy sync system for home and work. Yes, I know there are free third party (or do it yourself) solutions, but .Mac is just easier and tied nicely into the OS.

I also love the Finder connectivity and how .Mac shows up as just another mounted disk. Very easy to shuffle around files. If they would just open it up for FTP access.

My biggest .Mac complaint is the sluggishness in moving around in the Finder and when you send up a file, it shows 99% completion immediately, so you have no idea how long it will take to finish.

What I never use is the extra software and otherutilities like Backup and such. Don't need em, but maybe another little app will sneak in there that I might use. either way, I still find .Mac worth it and recommend to those who have similar needs.
I renewed mine. Just have too much money here and I can't take it with me.
Will be renewing, I use the email address all the time, and though idisk is slow, i use it for my web space. I also use isync and backup, have not had any troubles luckily.
I represent the portion of the Mac population who never bought .mac in the first place. I couldn't see justifying the cost for features that I can easily get for free elsewhere, and I also had trouble with iTools trying to use it as remote storage.
Originally posted by slo
Although it has it's good points, I finally decided to not renew my .Mac account.

I'll renew mine, if they give it to me free. Again (2 years free, so far!). :D

But to pay for it? Not bloody likely. Especially if a 0.03 update will cost $199can (Panther)!

But I think that rant has already been covered...hehe
It's a .3 upgrade, not a .03 update, which is why they're charging so much. It's a bit like Mac OS X 13, though they would never call it that.

How do/did you get .mac for free? Divulge thy secrets, young whippersnapper! Please?
I'll renew. I love the email and have found the online photo albums and file storage very nice and easy to use. I use backup and the Virus stuff but I could live without that.

Is Panther confirmed at $199?! WOW!
Arden....oh yeah....0.3 upgrade! My bad!

As for how I got it...well....let's just say that I Learn & Earn'ed it. ;->
Yeah, I'm sure. :)

Cwoody: Yes, if you buy 5 copies:
Mac OS X v10.2
(Single User)

Mac OS X v10.2
(Family Pack - 5 license)
I think this thread needs a poll.
I don't think I gonna renew. The worst thing is the limited attachment size of approximately 3mb for mails. Come on! We are living in the 21st century and many ppl have broadband...
If I could renew for 49$ again, I would do. But 99% (I think it is, right?). No way!
Never really used idisk since uploading data was really slow. And what else do they offer? Ah right, free software now and then... well not worth so much money.
I agree the renew price is a bit high for the features. I have been using .Mac email account for years. Really don't want to change it, to a yahoo or other account. The free apps are nice, Apple should give us more privileges for being members. For example, price discounts on products (Panther), priority for service calls etc. IBM did a similar thing, always offering discounts, and services, etc. As of right now, I am renewing.
I'm also renewing. My take on it is the goodies they have offered over the past year plus it looks like .Mac will be more in tuned with Panther.
Some of the freebies were okay, but I decided to go with Lunarpages to host my website. If you don't get a domain name it's only $96 for the year, with all sorts of webspace. I don't use iSync or Backup and while the games were okay, I'd rather have the extra webspace, as the games were not for my Gamecube.