Anyone else starting to grow hate towards Apple?


Oh. My. God. The new iPod was just launched. I bought a 10GB iPod a month ago since I thought it would take at least another 7 months or so for the new iPod to arrive. Now I'm here with a non refundable iPod while the new iPod is so much cooler. I would've liked it if Apple would clearly announce the exact month of a new product. Oh well, guess that's not gonna happen.. It makes me frustrated.:(
I appreciate it that it's frustrating when this happens but it has to be this way.

Otherwise people will never buy anything as they will always be waiting for the next product launch date to arrive. Also, it would make it near impossible to sell off old stock.

If it does what you want and you can afford it, buy it and be happy!

All other paths lead to unhappiness.
In that case, you should update your sig to say New, dated iPod 10GB (<----So disappointing :(

But seriously, if you want a new iPod, check around and see if there's a market for your older one. You'll take a little hit on what you would have paid out of the box, but you did get a good month's usage out of it. I don't want to be an Apple apologist (especially since I keep having trouble at the music store right now), but to criticize the company for coming out with a new product earlier than normal is just wrong.
I recently got a new iBook, and I would have loved to have gotten the newer model, but I'm happy with what I have and what I've done to it as far as memory, external, themes, etc.
Look at this way, you might be behind the times for 7 months or so, but you'll be ready for an upgrade once the newer version of the iPod comes out, one that might make you even happier.
Originally posted by RPS
Oh. My. God. The new iPod was just launched. I bought a 10GB iPod a month ago since I thought it would take at least another 7 months or so for the new iPod to arrive. Now I'm here with a non refundable iPod while the new iPod is so much cooler. I would've liked it if Apple would clearly announce the exact month of a new product. Oh well, guess that's not gonna happen.. &^$%#!!:mad:

If you want to be sure to have a new product, buy it the week it is announced... and accept the bugs ! Novelty has its price.
unless you want to sell it on ebay,, or maybe to me.... i dont care for the new ipods, i agree with goynang... no wait i dont... nvm, i'm going to get a new one...
The thing is this is a recursive problem if then announced it early then you would just be saying "Dangit I just got this new iPod and they announced the new ones would be coming out next month."


P.S. Did you honestly think it would be another 7 months? You haven't been reading the idle speculation on this board then. ;)
I feel your pain, in fact I thought about that when I was buying my new iPod.

My first thought when a new version of a product comes out is "how long was generation 1 out?"

And after thinking about that, you can see that it has been some time since the first iPod had been released.

Apple has gone through several variations, (removing the actual wheel controller and replacing it with a touch-sensitive controller of the same shape.). A Windows version was released, etc.

The other thought I would like to leave you with is this:

You still have an iPod. Try to be optomistic about it. The risk you take when buying any technology is that it will be replaced with something "better" a week later. Enjoy what you have, and try to remind yourself of the reasons you purchased it in the first place. You did good, you purchased a 10 gig music player, you should be happy for what you have. :)
Posts like this always get me a bit ticked off.

Are you really blaming Apple for your bad timing?

Evildan is totally right: ENJOY! You have a piece of technology that many people can't even afford and would love to have. Have a good time with it.

If you really need more features you can download some hacks for the iPod to let you carry personal scheduling software in it.
Well, maybe you should ask the mods to delete the thread. If you haven't read it before, you see the header, then your first post. The longer it stays up, the more likely it is that someone else is going to be ticked as well and post here.

Or, at the very least, edit your first post to explain yourself if you have chilled a bit and rethought your stance.
ok done, and about what you said, you can't just read the first post, then reply to a thread, anyone knows you have to read the entire thread in order to see any other posts made by the threadstarter or to see someone else make the same point as you.
My apologies, I didn't mean to sound so mean in my retort. It's just that there are always so many people that freak out on Apple when Apple revamps their product lines and it seems strange to me.

Party on.
I bought a my Powerbook when the 12" and 17" versions were released already. I knew the 15" would be replaced but now, it still hasn't and I've had my Pbook for some time now. But still, ask yourself, you know how long it takes for a new product to arrive in Netherlands or Belgium, we sometimes even wait a couple of weeks more!
My friends received the new iPod 2 weeks ago per internet. That's one weel after the introduction of the new iPod.:confused: