Apple webmail


Apple has announced a webmail service so that you can check your email from anywhere.:)

The URL is
Sweet! The web interface looks like!

Now I want to switch all my Mail over to my address! :D
HOLY *****#*(@*#&%*(&!)(@*)(&*@)*^&*!@^$*(&^!(*@&$!!!!!!!!!!! (no specific expletive assosciated)

FINALLY! Now I can check my mail without having to use a stupid mail client where I have to set up all the prefs! Yes! YES! YESSSS!!!!!

I LOVE YOU APPLE! :D ;) :) :p

Very nice that the interface is much like It preserves the functionality. Very very nice!

UPDATE: OK, after using it for even a few minutes, it is undoubtedly the best and CLEANEST webmail service I have ever seen. It handles attachments just like; if it's a picture, it displays it right in the message, and you can also view other attachments right in your web browser without downloading and viewing them with another utility. And best of all? It WORKS with OMNIWEB! Hooray!!! :) :) :)

UPDATE 2: _____O_____M_____G_____! You can even check mail from other POP mail servers! It imports the mail into your e-mail INBOX. That is just so dang handy!

I'm glad Apple got it right!
Looks like I'll be abandoning my long standing "portable" email over at Actually, I had started to abandon it awhile ago, ever since it was sold.

I hope Apple anticipates the surge in traffic they are going to get from this once the public catches on.

It's awesome, I just wish it was implemented back when Apple launched iTools. It would have gotten more exposure and really bolstered the iTools launch.
The POP mail check will be very handy! Works great in Mozilla, too!

I have a feeling will be loosing some users, though :eek:
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
It's awesome, I just wish it was implemented back when Apple launched iTools. It would have gotten more exposure and really bolstered the iTools launch.

I have a feeling this is just the beginning of some new iTools. Maybe Jaguar will be based around iTools even more, and who knows what else we'll get!
Since we're talking about what it's compatible with, iCab works great here.
I'll leave Chimera for someone else to check
Works in chimera voice. ;)

This looks great. I dont know if I will abandon my main address for my address though since my current address rocks. But this is by far the BEST webmail ever.

First thing I noticed -- almost every single image was broken on the login page.

No easy way that I can see to upload all of my contacts in my Address book.

No easy way to configure my toolbar -- specifically, add the Bounce button to the toolbar.

But this is not a complaint post -- I am still very happy that Apple implemented this.
All the images loaded instantly for me...

I agree, though, Intergration between Book with the webmail should be closer. This is where just about every webmail system lacks.

Send in some feedback on the provided link at that page and let them know how useful that would be.
*jaw drops to the floor* :eek:

Now I can abandon my Yahoo addresses (that I've been having major problems with as of late). :)

And get this... it works even from a Windows PC running Mozilla!!! :D

I just wish the rest of iTools did too - I know XP has something but I'm on 2K.

I love this! :) :) :) :)
Originally posted by nkuvu
First thing I noticed -- almost every single image was broken on the login page.

Weird. There's never been a problem for me here. Huh.

It WOULD be kind of nice to upload Addresses to the web. That would be very nifty, but I hope those vCards don't take up too much hard drive space, cause 5 MB isn't much. And, yes, bouncing e-mails would be nice.

One thing I hope that Apple NEVER does is charge for it, though. I think any Mac user should be able to access these services for free.

Since YAHOO! disclosed their upcoming PAY service I've been SEARCHING for a new service.

This AWESOME! service comes JUST IN TIME!

Thank you APPLE!!! has a feature called "Bounce". It sends the email back to the sender as if your address doesn't exist.
This is a very good service, and it worked flawlessly for me for both my iTools account and my POP mail.

I don't know that I will ever be switching to a web based mail program. I'm one of those weirdos that still likes email to come in via a dedicated app. Don't think I'll give up anytime soon.

However, the ability to check any email account I have from one source online, that is owned and operated by Apple, is fantastic.

Thank you, Apple.