I've been wondering for a while now if Sherlock could just dump all the URLs it finds into a text file after I've given the search criteria. Well, I was reading over at and found that Apple provides some interesting AppleScripts that can be quite useful. If you go to this path in your computer /Library/Scripts/Sherlock\ Scripts/Search\ Internet.scpt, the script there will dump all the URLs that Sherlock finds into a little window. Just copy and paste the text into a text editor, save and sift through it later if you're pressed for time.
This is too cool. I never really considered looking through the AppleScripts folder because I didn't think there were any scripts there that were applicable for my uses. Now if there was a website that had only AppleScripts for download that were useful.
This is too cool. I never really considered looking through the AppleScripts folder because I didn't think there were any scripts there that were applicable for my uses. Now if there was a website that had only AppleScripts for download that were useful.