Are most mac users INTJs?

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web developer
According to the thread "Why does such a low % of the population use macs" (or something like that), it seems like there's a high consentration of INTJ's in the mac world. It would be really cool to know if that is true :)
If you want to know your personality type, go to and do the online test, and please post if you are an INTJ or not here :)
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Your Type is
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 11 6 11
I am looking for fellow ESTJ (women) to share good laughs :p

hey this is what I am
Your Type is
Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 33 44 22
ESTJ type description by D.Keirsey
ESTJ type description by J. Butt
Qualitative analysis of your type formula
 You are:

* moderately expressed extrovert
* moderately expressed sensing personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed judging personality
It claims that I'm INTP. Whether that's true or not, it was a fine waste of 10 minutes. Thanks. :)
I guess I'm ...

Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %

78 67 33 11

Though I'm not completely sure what this all means.

It does go on to say:
You are:
* very expressed introvert
* distinctively expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed perceiving personality

Yeah! What is funny is you can sure get the E part of both Admiral's and Herve by looking at the number of post each has made :D . That E must come in handy at party! :p
racerx - this explains why you and i end up dealing with manic et al. in similar ways. i'm infp as well. see - i intuitively felt there was some thing about you i liked that keeps getting cinfirmed by additional perceptions:p

we do seem to end up in the same threads quite a bit don't we?

i'll bet you might be just a little difficult to get to know well, but once someone does, you are a very good friend to have.:)
INTJ here.

I read through the article describing it and it really describes me to a T. My wife read it and found it to be quite like me, almost scarry. :) I had her take the test and it doesn't describe her at all. Maybe I should take the test for her and see what results I come up with.

Originally posted by Admin
INTJ here.

I read through the article describing it and it really describes me to a T. My wife read it and found it to be quite like me, almost scarry. :) I had her take the test and it doesn't describe her at all. Maybe I should take the test for her and see what results I come up with.


:p ;) strange, all I know, who've taken the test, think the description fits almost too well ;)
INTJ, here too, and the description is pretty good.

'ell, I'll suggest your wife to take the test once more, and really answer honestly ;)
Looks like I'm a INTP, is that good?

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
22 33 33 11
Originally posted by julguribye
Looks like I'm a INTP, is that good?

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
22 33 33 11

Well, all the personality types are good, I think, they are just good in different ways ;)
yea, ksv is pretty right - all personalities are good. the world would be pretty boring without the differences. personality traits are only 'bad' when excessive reliance upon certain ones get in your way of daily fuctioning or getting what you want out of life. they are changable. eg. - you might want to work on improving the balance bewteen i and e if you are looking for companionship.

you might want to read the original thread that ksv cites for more on this.:)
posted by Ed
i'll bet you might be just a little difficult to get to know well, but once someone does, you are a very good friend to have.

I would like to think so. As you probably noticed, I'm more likely to jump into stuff if someone attack one of my friends than I would to defend myself.

posted by Admin
...My wife read it and found it to be quite like me, almost scarry. I had her take the test and it doesn't describe her at all.

Same here! She was reading the list of people the are INFP like me and saw the name Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) and said "see, that is you". I, of course, have no idea what she is talking about. ;)

Also it turned out that she is my Complement, which is pretty cool!
Symphonix is INTP
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
44 33 33 67

* moderately expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* distinctively expressed perceiving personality

"Their major interest is in figuring out structure, build, configuration -- the spatiality of things... Only when forced to by circumstance do they allow themselves to take charge of activities, and they exit the role as soon as they can..."

Sounds like me allright. There might be a pattern here. Macs appeal to people who appreciate processes as well as results, form as well as function.
Still, we'll need another half-dozen results, people.
it is looking more and more like the N is consistent with one outlier (he he)

of course this should shock us, right?
after all, the mac has always been the most intuitive computer to use. unless somebody spent hours (days, weeks?) learning that 'other' way first!!!