Hi...I'm hoping that someone can help me find the simplest solution to my problem. I have two machines at home: a 933mhz Quicksilver 2002 desktop (running 10.3.9) and a G4 14" 1 gb Ibook (running Tiger). Both machines are networked via an Airport Extreme base station.
My daughters have an identical folder full of homework on each machine. They never know which machine they'll be working on from day to day. Its important that the folders are always identical and up-to-date. Up until the Tiger upgrade, I was using Personal Backup. It worked fine, synchronizing the files every 8 hours (if both machines were on). Somehow, since upgrading the Ibook, PB won't automount either machine for an unattended backup. I've got emails into Tech Support at Intego, but its been 4 days now, and I'm thinking there must be another product or piece of Shareware out there. I plan to upgrade the Desktop machine also, as soon as Now Up to Date and Contact are upgraded for Tiger. I do not have .mac, so unless there is a way to sync files locally, I don't think Isync would help me...would it?
My daughters have an identical folder full of homework on each machine. They never know which machine they'll be working on from day to day. Its important that the folders are always identical and up-to-date. Up until the Tiger upgrade, I was using Personal Backup. It worked fine, synchronizing the files every 8 hours (if both machines were on). Somehow, since upgrading the Ibook, PB won't automount either machine for an unattended backup. I've got emails into Tech Support at Intego, but its been 4 days now, and I'm thinking there must be another product or piece of Shareware out there. I plan to upgrade the Desktop machine also, as soon as Now Up to Date and Contact are upgraded for Tiger. I do not have .mac, so unless there is a way to sync files locally, I don't think Isync would help me...would it?