Big Week for software...


OS X Supreme Being
The flood is starting to happen!

Last week saw the release of Illustrator 10. This week we will see the release of Extensis Suitcase (available NOW!), IBM Via Voice for OS X (Nov. 16), and Monday we will get Office v. X...

Finally, the missing pieces are starting to arrive....

Damn, I'm going to be spending a lot on software this month!

Dreamweaver UltraDev(with local php and mysql support) and Fireworks!!!!!

Office X is amazing, I beta'd suitcase and it kicks atms butt, (maybe thats why adobe isn't making it) also Now UptoDat and Conact I think are very close to final, I also beta's Dave 3.1 well worth the price!
GoLive 6 beta is now floating around on Carracho...

I hate to say it, but if Adobe's get GoLive 6 out before Macromedia get's Dreamweaver out for OSX, I'm switching. I'm tired of using Classsic, and my last two pieces of software I use daily are Photoshop and Dreamweaver (I use Flash probably a couple times a week also).

Great time to be a Mac OS X user...
I'd never even considered local PHP and mysql support-

that's flippiing UNREAL! The implications make me all kinds of gooshy.....
that shows you how to make ultradev use the javaruntime and jsp built in in OSX, and people have already built mysql and php addons, so i think it should be pretty easy (relativly). I would never buy another adobe product if they did that in the OS X release (btw I have a friend who is beta testing flash and it works in OS X!)
I am interested in finding out why Dreamweaver is more of the defacto html app for Macs? I started out on Dreamweaver but since Golive 5 was released, it makes Dreamweaver look so inadequate. Dreamweaver has a horrible interface. Golive 6 is going to rock the socks off of all Mac wysiwyg html apps with spring-loaded pallettes and context sensitive clicks. I wish more people would check this app out because it really is superior to Dreamweaver.
No, I dont work for Adobe :)
Dreamweaver has long been the champ of all WYSIWYG html editors for one simple reason: It writes cleaner, more efficient, more compatible code. GoLive5 made big strides in this area, but Dreamweaver still had the edge. If GoLive6 can match Dreamweaver's compatability/efficieny in writing code, Adobe might have a good shot at gaining share. GoLive has one feature that Dreamweaver can't compete against - integration with all of Adobe's other apps. That's a huge timesaver if it works as advertised (see MWNY video of GoLive/Illustrator working together)...

That said, i need a WYSIWYG HTML editing application for OS X PRONTO!

I'm tired of dealing with DW4 under Classic...
Swizcore, I started with go live (when it was cyber studio) because dreamweaver sucked really bad at the time, then it seems right around the time adobe bought it it went way downhill and dreamweaver started to truly rock, I find the interface very intuitive, the javascript is cleaner, the add ons you can download are a true boon, and the implicit relationship with fireworks (kicks the crap out of image ready) and flash make it a natural choicce for me, then they came out with ultradev that has all the asp and jsp stuff built in and the phpo/mysql add ons. I feel if you are just doing basic pages either will work, buit if you are doing a lot of coding for many different sites Macromedia apps can't be beat. Not to mention bbedit support and the dreamweaver code is so much easier to clean up than go live.
Originally posted by Soapvox
Swizcore, I started with go live (when it was cyber studio) because dreamweaver sucked really bad at the time, then it seems right around the time adobe bought it it went way downhill and dreamweaver started to truly rock, I find the interface very intuitive, the javascript is cleaner, the add ons you can download are a true boon, and the implicit relationship with fireworks (kicks the crap out of image ready) and flash make it a natural choicce for me, then they came out with ultradev that has all the asp and jsp stuff built in and the phpo/mysql add ons. I feel if you are just doing basic pages either will work, buit if you are doing a lot of coding for many different sites Macromedia apps can't be beat. Not to mention bbedit support and the dreamweaver code is so much easier to clean up than go live.

I hear ya, It sounds like Dreamweaver is more savvy for those of you who are really keen with coding and such whereas i am a designer first and html/javascript novice and one who reads the code to figure out what makes it tick while you on the other hand just KNOW how to make it tick and how to tweak it confidently. Golive is best for me cause it is easier I guess for those who need the MOST wysiwyg building wwith the least code interaction. Although I must say, after tweaking code( i say tweaking , NOT writing) for about two years now and being able to build pages with code only and no graphical interface I am starting to feel at home enough to try out Dreamweaver again.

Thanks for the responses guys!
I started my web design back in 1998 with GoLive (actually, I started back in 1995 with simpletext and then PageMill, but we won't go there). I thought it was a great package, although version 4 was a complete rip off after Adobe bought it.

Anyway, when i went to work for my current company (major southern telco - you know the name), they were standardized on Dreamweaver (at the time version 2). I had a weekend to learn it, and I can tell you, it was/is a better program than GoLive. Other than better code composition and javascript compatability, it also has much better site management features, integreation with more web technologies (especially if you get UltraDev version). Plus, the interface is much more logical. Is it perfect? No. Version 4 still suffers from some anomolies where even on a dual800 G4, certain functions run SLOW as molasses. Plus Macromedia isn't exactly speedy at bugfixes. Back when OS 9.1 was released, a change to the OS made all gifs in Dreamweavers color tables shift, making all white black and all transparent pixels white. Not a major problem, but it would make working WYSIWYG mode annoying. It took Macromedia about 4 months to get a fix out for it.

So, as it stands now, Dreamweaver is the better package. But I am going to give GoLive 6 a good hard look when it's released.
You know I just realized something, I started out as a designer and I loved GoLive, when I started reading about acctual programming was about the time Adobe bought golove and I started switching to dreamweaver, and I know a designer who does pure wysiwyg pages and he loves golive, maybe the two have each found thier niche and that is good. BTW has anyone heard if golive is going to creat an ultradev style editor?