Bluetooth and iMac G5 Tiger 10.4.1 intermittent


Have a Rev A G5 iMac 20" and have not been able to get Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard to operate reliably.

Connection to Mouse or Keyboard, or both drops randomly every few minutes. Firmware upgraded, batteries new, keyvoard and mouse tested on other machine without problem. Reinstalled, removed from favorites and added/linked again.

Logs indicate driver handshake failures... have removed ALL other USB devices from machine and unpowered/removed the USB Hub. Condition persists.

Any help appreciated... am ready to go back to wired mouse & keyboard...
Have you recently purchased the bt mouse and keyboard or have you been using it for a while on past versions of OS X. If it is new, it is possible that the area that you are using it in has a lot of interference which is screwing with your signal. Some one with new iMac had this same problem when I worked at desktop support. It didn't work well in her office, when we brought it back to ours to trouble shoot it worked fine.

Replace your batteries if they are old.