Bluetooth Mouse failure after recent update


Jan 3rd I installed the the Max os xpdate 10.4.3, Airport Update 2005-001,
Security Update 2005-009, J2SE 5.0 release 3. Also did the Firmware update, and Bluetooth update.

After the update my Apple Bluetooth mouse could not move the cursor. After
much trial and error I managed to get it to work after re-setting the PMU. It was working fine for a couple of days. By then I noticed and update for
OS X version 10.4.4; so I updated the OS. Everything was working after the install. A couple of days past I unplugged my iMac G5 to move it. I plugged it back in and the mouse problem raised it's ugly head again.

I have tried repairing permissions, trashing the Bluetooth Plist file, zapping Pram, and re-setting the PMU. NO LUCK! All the above updates were performed via Software Update. Should I download and install 10.4.4 combo update via apples website? Any other suggestions? Thank you, Dennis
Who would of thought!! It was the rechargable batteries. I remember changing them when I moved the computer. Just on a hunch; I put the recharged (1st pair) back into the mouse and the mouse functions properly. I examined the other set against regular AA alkalines and the rechargable are about 1/32" longer and one of them had a slight burr; possibly causing it to be stuck in off position.