boot to console?


a cllient here at work ran software update last night. they began the installation of 10.3.5 before heading home for the evening. when they returned this morning the machine was locked up, they did a hard reset (push the reset button) and the machine began to fire up.

it goes through the normal boot processes up until it is "waiting for network initilization". at that point the screen goes black. it has some white text that says at the top left "Darwin/BSD (computername.local) (console)"

"login: IP packet filterting initialized", etc, etc.

wait another minute and it sits at a return character. if i type administrator it asks for a password. we have tried every password we can think of and nothing works. it says something abuot invalid credentials.

i tried to "safe boot" by holding shift and the computer just sits at that screen with the turning circle at the bottom of the screen.

this happened to one of the other machines a while back and i ended up just formatting the drive and reinstalling the os and all the software. i would obviously prefer to avoid that situation again.

