Built in?


My freind has just come into ownership of an ibook of no more than a year old.

I dont know too much about the ibook but I know its 256mb ram and HD of 30 gig.and a 12 inch screen.

I would like to know on his behalf if his ibook has a biult in facility to connect to wireless internet places.

I tried but I cant see if he has something like bluetooth, can you guys tell me if this age and model type can do this or does he need to buy an airport card?

Cheers guys.
If it is built in, you would normally see the airport signal icon on the toolbar. It may be greyed out and need to be turnen on, by clicking it and selecting to turn it on. You can also check the network pref pane. It will list airport if it is present.
on those it is very easy to tell by physically looking. there is two tabs in between the "f" keys and that will allow you to get under the keyboard. the airport card should be right there, and if not, you will see a slot for a PC sized card and the antenna not plugged into anything.

you can also look in the apple system profiler.
Hi guys

Straight after I looked posting I did some looking on the mac website which I shouldve done first and not botherd you guys. The bog standard smallest ibook doesnt have a built in wireless capability.
