BW G3 rev1 - need hard disk controller?


I beleive the file integrity issues I've been having since installing new ram, processor, and hard drive in my Rev-1 Blue and White G3 is a hard disk issue.... (I get the hand-me-down box, as I'm the designer with the least seniority)

I'll be working along in Photoshop and all of the sudden, rectangular areas of my file become discolored in certain layers, and I seldom can get it to reverse the problem in the history pallete, or by zooming out, or turning channels on and off. Does this sound like a tell-tale sign of data loss with a replacement hard disk in a B/W rev1 G3? Or maybe a Photoshop CS issue, in which case I'll take this thread elsewhere?

According to, "The safest bet for adding/replacing drives on a rev 1 is to use a PCI IDE card."

Can anyone recommend one that would work with this machine? In this catalog I have, I see Crescendo makes one "#52319 G3/500mhz/1mb/250 mhz cache" for 169.99

Sounds like this would work, though I'm unsure. Any thoughts?
I have three hard drives in my rev. 1 b/w G3 without any trouble, just using the controller on the motherboard. No trouble here, or maybe I'm just lucky...

Any disk troubles I've had have been problems with the drive itself, nothing to do with the controller. The disk my computer shipped with was a dud - got it replaced within a week of buying the computer - and my wife's disk in her iMac died and started corrupting files slowly.

If you're worried about the drives themselves failing, you might want to get SMARTReporter - check versiontracker - it's a little free applet that sits in the menu bar, and periodically checks the HD's integrity checking status. Incidentally, SMARTReporter correctly identified the problem with my wife's disk - too bad I didn't know about this app before she started having problems...