Cable Modem speed


It's been my strong impression that high speed modem connections are Much slower on any Mac laptop (like PB 230, 2300 and the titanium) than on Any PC, including the one right next to it (but Not sharing a connection). Is there a reason for this? A way around it?

I especially see this problem (and others) when using apps like inkSpot and iSwpe. Not only are they Much slower than any PC counterpart, they seem to have much more limited features and functionality. Only twice have I had a successful download form a hotline site.
FTP server is a TiBook 500 (we're talking old here)
FTP client is a win2k box

transfer of a same file from Ti to win:
57671680 bytes in 7.50 seconds (7689.56 KB/s)
57671680 bytes in 4.94 seconds (11681.52 KB/s)

First attempt was slower, because it was limited by the raw platter speed of the hard disk in Ti; the second transfer is pretty much at the theoretical limit of switched 100Mbps Ethernet

The fact that some applications are poorly programmed and do not operate as efficiently as they could is not necessarily the fault of the operating system