cannot find stuff!

paul soffe

Hi I know this is a real no brainer but well i have always reckoned if i can suss out new computers or s/w anyone can! Well here i am completely stuck. I have just got my new imac Jaguar os- and can i work out how to do a find !!?? I have used both the find under edit and the spy glass and entered part of the file name but never get anything! I mean for example i have on the desktop a few files with 2008 in the name. When i search for 2008 nothing is returned. Also when i say want to look for all image files on the whole of my mac , unlike in windows that is so easy to do, I am completely stuck. I love my mac but as far as searching goes it doesn't look at all as friendly as windows ( there, i knew i would swear)
Any simple advice would be most welcomed !
You mentioned you're using Jaguar (10.2). Have you made sure to tell the Find application to point to the root of your hard drive before having it search? It's possible that it's only pointing to a defaulted folder in your home directory.
Whoops eh hem's 10.5.1 i have - Leopard, sorry, not jaguar. Getiing my cats mixed up! Will try and check out what you suggest.Need to put kids to bed now but will check it out later.Thank you
Visuals, so not to confuse you.

Double click the Hard Drive icon on the desk top... that will open up your finder... top right hand ... in the search box... you type "2008"

now look at the two images i put up there for you... the one that is named "less" is your home folder, like nixgeek mentioned, the one named "more" is your computer. I am using tiger but leopard's finder is a little more advanced... so you win.

Hope that helps.



  • less.jpg
    43.1 KB · Views: 13
  • more.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 12
Soory folks that i never responded to yuor kind posts. I hadn't put the email on to contact me when posts were made. Anyway just to say i have learned something so thanks. I also realised that the reason i was getting no results was that i had forgotten when installing pro tools le ( a music programme) it advised in spotlight / privacy to drag the disc icons to the window to stop finder indexing -apparently it interferes with the programme. I have now got it going again until i get time to use the music programme(ever??!!) . And wow what a brilliant finder ! I love its results that are so thorough and much better set out than xp. Thanks again Paul