Canon Dv Lens ?


I have a Canon ZR45MC cam and was wondering if I should get a wide-angle or zoom lense or both. Does anyone have either of these? Is there any particular brand that is better or worse? Any info would be greatly appreciated, and don't hesitate to tell me it is a waste of money if it is.
Trip said:
It depends really...what type of filming do you plan on doing?

Nothing in particular. I have just seen how much more one can get in the picture with a wide angle lens and I think even filming just family events would be better.
Well, do some "field work," so to speak, and see what you come up with. If you find yourself moving the camera around to get the entire scene a good deal, get a wide angle lens; if you have to get closer to the action to zoom in, get a good zoom lens.

It really depends on what you're doing. If you're a professional film maker, then you definitely want the right tools at your disposal. If you're just using the camera for family get togethers and the typical "consumer" reasons, then you probably don't need the lenses.