There's nothing in /etc or /etc/xinetd.d/ that pertains to setting the site root for the default ftp server in OS X 10.2.
Each user that logs in via ftp will default to their home directory. You could relocate their home directory to a different volume (/Volumes/volumename/ftpuser) or have a shared root on a different drive that you point your ftp users to (i.e. set all of your ftp users' home directory to /Volumes/volumename/newftproot).
If you want to find out more about the ftp server possibilites, you'll have to look on the web for documentation about lukemftpd, the new ftp daemon in OS X 10.2.x. The man pages will not tell you how to do what you ask, as they are outdated (referring to OS X 10.1.x's ftpd instead).
I suggest scrapping lukemftpd altogether and replacing it with pureftpd or proftpd, if you are after any advanced features such as chroot, throttling, quotas, etc.