Chooser crash everytime!!!


HI all,
i've recently updated mac os 9.2.1 to 9.2.2 and now everytime i try to mount a shared volume via apple talk the chooser unexpetly quit itself without mounting the disk.

My little network is made up of 3 Power Macintosh G4 connected to a 10/100 hub.

With os 9.2.1 i've never had this type of problem that is apperad after 9.2.2 update.
Please note that in my network there is no os x running (for now)

Is there anyone is experiencing the same problem or has find a solution -- different from downgrading to 9.2.1 :=(

Did you rebuild the desktop on the machines?

Also, do the other two machines have 9.2.2 or other variations. I would certainly upgrade them all and see.

Of course, once you update them all it will be a pain to drop them all back to 9.2.1 again. ;)
try to rebuild desktop on all mashines, and turn off "recent servers" in apple menu.

try to boot with system default extensions.

and better - install clean 9.22 system.
I 've done many many tests ... probaby too many :-)))

All the macs are G4 without SCSI cards ....

I've solved te problem in this way ....

* just downgraded to OS 9.2.1 *
