coin a new Apple term


I like OSX, it has a lot of potential. I like Cocoa / Objective-C. This is good technology.

My new Apple-culture term that I am coining right now is


Most everyone knows of the the process called "carbon-dating" which is used to identify the approximate age of fossil remains, often tens of millions of years old.

This expression should be used to describe any application that uses the dinosaur "carbon" technology when it should use the sweet multithreaded "cocoa" technology.

Examples in conversation:

1. Yes, I confess, sadly the application I have just written is "carbon-dated".

2. Is Adobe's Photoshop 7 for OSX a "carbon-dated" application?

3. Is the OS X Finder a "carbon-dated" application?

If you want to be hip at the comming Apple Developers Convention, show that you are on the cutting edge by using this descriptive term.
Originally posted by waiting_for_OSX
This expression should be used to describe any application that uses the dinosaur "carbon" technology when it should use the sweet multithreaded "cocoa" technology.

I hope you're not implying that Carbon apps cannot take advantage of OS X's preemptive multithreading capabilities... Because they can.

Carbon is essentially a wrapper API for C/C++ applications. Carbon apps actually takes many advantages of OS X's advanced memory management and multithreading capabilities. I still prefer Cocoa, but using Carbon is not a bad solution for most programs.

I would like to point out that Carbon Dated is already in use. Look around at the apple dev site. They have a program called Carbon Dater that can figure out if it's worth it to port your app to osx or not :)
This is from Apple's "Inside Mac OS X: Carbon Developer Documentation", here:

section "Thread Manager", here:

states exactly:

"The Thread Manager provides a programming interface to create cooperative execution threads in your application. These threads are cooperatively scheduled in a manner similar to the way the Mac OS 9 Process Manager schedules applications. "

In conclusion, the OS underneath the app does preemptive multitask but once execution is inside a Carbon application, the app is strictly cooperatively multithreaded.

phatsharpie, I am not implying.

I am stating boldly and exacly that, as you put it, "Carbon apps cannot take advantage of OS X's preemptive multithreading capabilities"
Well, I rather have Photoshop 7 now than wait for a Cocoa version five more years. I also don't give a darn about preemptive multithreading, as long as PS7 works as advertised (which it does). Tests show that Photoshop 7 on Mac OS X is faster throughout than Photoshop 6 on Mac OS 9. (Okay, 7 is still faster on 9 than on X, but I don't *use* 9 anymore.)

Coining the term 'carbon dated' is bad-mouthing Apple to me. And therefore it's bad-mouthing Adobe (because they deliver Carbon applications) and Macromedia and Microsoft (okay, we can think about that one) and many others, while really we should be grateful that all those companies finally *deliver* their applications for Mac OS X.

If Apple had released Mac OS X without Carbon (which was the original plan), Apple would have lost. Big time.