I'm trying to enable color in my tcshrc shell. However, when I created a new ~/.tcshrc file to enable color, I am getting an error when trying to use my fortran compiler.
Here is my ~/.tcshrc file:
setenv TERM xterm-color
alias ls "ls -G"
setenv LSCOLORS "ExGxFxdxCxDxDxabagacad"
Here is the error I am getting:
tcsh: f77: Command not found.
When I remove the ~/.tcshrc file, my f77 compiler works fine.
Any thoughts on how to fix this problem? Thanks for your help.
I'm trying to enable color in my tcshrc shell. However, when I created a new ~/.tcshrc file to enable color, I am getting an error when trying to use my fortran compiler.
Here is my ~/.tcshrc file:
setenv TERM xterm-color
alias ls "ls -G"
setenv LSCOLORS "ExGxFxdxCxDxDxabagacad"
Here is the error I am getting:
tcsh: f77: Command not found.
When I remove the ~/.tcshrc file, my f77 compiler works fine.
Any thoughts on how to fix this problem? Thanks for your help.