command line copy of fonts


I am attempting to copy fonts from one system to another via nfs. If I use cp from the command line the files come across, but they are no longer recognized as fonts. If I drag and copy via the GUI all is fine. I believe the problem is related to the 2 separate files generated by OSX (e.g. file and ._file). I have attempted taring, copying, and then untarring, but the same problem. Any suggestions?
That's an odd problem, I guess I don't know how files are stored for fonts.

I would suggest you try ditto, it's much like cp though so you might have the same problems. It comes with the default build of Darwin (no need to Fink or anything)...
You might try adding /Developer/Tools to your path variable (assuming you have dev tool installed) and using CpMac instead of cp - CpMac retains forks and metadata.

What sort of fonts are you copying, anyway? if they're truetype there should be no problem, just the .ttf extension should be enough (you'd think. But apparently it's not working...)
If the fonts have old school TrueType Suitcases then the problem occurs because all data is actually stored in the resource fork, rather than the data fork. I'm not sure I know what you you mean by NFS (transfer protocol or file system?) - but if you move HFS(+) data (Mac stuff that may have resource forks) to a non-HFS disk then you need to either use stuffit (command line tools come with Stuffit Deluxe v8 - which is nice) or try a combination SplitForks and FixupResourceForks. I know very little about the latter option - other than it's a solution for storing Mac data on, say, Windows or Linux servers. Unless you've got OpenType fonts (cross platform files) you need to convert your fonts to a different format for non-Mac systems. Only Macs use the HFS(+) disk system with resource forks. There are various tools available for converting font formats but I haven't used any for a while.