configure files

mr. k

I have a unix app Im trying to compile, but I cant get it past the configure script because the script looke for openssl in every folder possible except for /usr/bin... And returns "Checking for openssl ...openssl not found, please install it first!!!." openssl IS installed, and located at /usr/bin/openssl. I edited the configure script and wherever it looked for something there would be a long list of possible locations for it to look in, so I added /usr/bin to both of them, yet to no avail. Can anyone help me? A couple binaries won't compile because of this. thanks
do ./configure --help and see if it has an option to specify where openssl is at - that would be the easiest way rather than trying to edit files.
Hi !

I seems to have a very similar problem. My configure is not finishing because of "Can't Find OpenSSL librairies" however the command line openssl seems to be working just fine and the script is probably not looking in the right place. I wonder if you could tell me how you fixed your problem... I didn't find any help with ./configure --help...

mr. k said:
I have a unix app Im trying to compile, but I cant get it past the configure script because the script looke for openssl in every folder possible except for /usr/bin... And returns "Checking for openssl ...openssl not found, please install it first!!!." openssl IS installed, and located at /usr/bin/openssl. I edited the configure script and wherever it looked for something there would be a long list of possible locations for it to look in, so I added /usr/bin to both of them, yet to no avail. Can anyone help me? A couple binaries won't compile because of this. thanks
It's not looking for the program openssl; it's looking for the include files and library to link against for openssl.

The include files are in /usr/include/openssl - it should find those, but you could try setting the LDFLAGS environment variable to "-I/usr/include/openssl" and see if that works. (i.e. with bash: export LDFLAGS="-I/usr/include/openssl")

It also seems that the library is named libssl rather than libopenssl - I don't know if it's going to look for the latter or if libssl is what it looks for.