Congrats to ksv

yea, CONGRATS TO KSV!! Here's to the best non alcholic bartender in the land. and to celebrate, i made you a milkshake.:)
Uh, ksv, you might want to amble on over to the B&G when you get a chance. I am not sure that Ed is comfortable with the machinery, and uh, it kind of spewed ice cream and milk all over... :rolleyes: :D

The monkey is busy cleaning it up, but the machine might need some tending.

But congrats, anyway! :D
In a recent conversation with twyg:

xoot300: herve posted!
twygj: alright!
twygj: it's about time
Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
Congrats Ksv!
Here is your whiskey!

Weey, thanks Hervé! Great to see you again! :)

Anyone got a lighter?
I prefer the whiskey alcohol free :D :p
(Puts whiskey in alcohol drainer. Turns on drainer.)

While the alcohol drains from this fine whisky, let's get a list of smileys:

:) :( :D ;) :p :cool:

(Drainer stops and gives alohol-free whiskey to ksv.)

congrats!!! I don't exactly know what the word "non alcoholic" means (must be some US slang), but it sounds like fun! YIPIE!!!!

PS: Gotta get this blood out of my alcohol....