converting mkv to mpeg2


How can i convert a mkv video with subs to mpeg2 so i can see it on my desktop dvd player? I want to make VIDOE_TS and AUDIO_TS folders i guess!!!
Thanx Delta, but, 1st one cant be used because its only for intel cpus, and 2nd one is too complex and userNONfriendly, anything else?
My google works just fine, but... Handbreak doesnt do that kind of conversion and ffmpeg is not userfriendly either, but will check into it!
The best software has been VisualHub, but the developer suddenly dropped it. I have read brief articles where the development of VisualHub has gone elsewhere, but I have never seen who may have it now. It may be open source somewhere. You can probably google for that, too.
ffmpegX is the GUI frontend to ffmpeg, so it does make things a lot simpler. All you need are the ffmpeg libraries which ffmpegX links you to from within the program.
I'd rather not pay for a program I can get free. I'd sacrifice user-friendly over money any day, plus ffmpegx isn't that user unfriendly, you just need to know what everything you are seeing means.