Converting pages to slides


Crotchety UI Nitpicker
I have a large text file, and I'd like to turn each page of the text file into a slide in a presentation (PowerPoint, I guess, though I'm open to alternatives as long as they're cross-platform and idiot-proof). Is there any way to do this using OpenOffice or NeoOffice? The text file is currently in RTF (TextEdit) form, so I can easily convert it to .doc or PDF. Formatting should be maintained, but it's nothing too complex; just some boldface and centering.

Any ideas? I'm looking to make cue slides out of the lines of a play. I have all the lines, and I can re-paginate it easily enough, but I'm at a loss as to how to make slides out of it. I don't have the time/patience to manually create hundreds of slides and paste in each line one by one.
If all you need is widescreen (or simply screen) compatibility, why not change the page-format to landscape and simply create a PDF? I guess that'd be the most easy solution, although I don't know what the actual useage of the presentation would be. But PDFs can easily be created in OS X and can be nicely presented in full screen.
I'm in the process of doing that right now (since I figure it'll be the first step no matter what I do). It might be good enough. I'm doing this for my mother as a quick cue card substitute. (But the plan is changing, so I'm not sure I'm doing anything at all now. Ahh, deadlines.)

A simple slide show would be ideal, since a plain ol' PDF would require more of a specific setup to work that way. Or would it? Can Acrobat Reader do that easily? Again, it needs to be Windows-friendly. And ideally dead simple.
Adobe Reader can easily show you the slides fullscreen, and a simple right-arrow tap will move along. There might be more sophisticated free- or shareware to make it even easier. Or did you want the slides to change after, say, five seconds? (That might be messy, anyway, so I'd have someone push a key instead.)
Yep, just run reader in slideshow mode and you can page down and up on your screen to scroll through pages. Works quite well, actually.