Creating links in PDF


I am trying to convert a word documnet into a pdf, but when it is created the links on the document do not work. I tried downloading a copy of Adobe Acrobat which I was told could allow me to do this, but I dont have os 9 to use this.

Is there another way I can create pdf links??

Please forgive me if my answer's stupid; I'm new here and haven't worked much with pdf docs in OS X. Do you have access to TeX / latex, like the teTeX distribution and perhaps front-ends like texmaker? These are all free and will let you do pdf hyperlinks (hyperref package).
hens_00 said:
I tried downloading a copy of Adobe Acrobat which I was told could allow me to do this, but I dont have os 9 to use this.
Adobe Acrobat doesn't run in Mac OS 9... hasn't since version 5. Acrobat 5.0.5 was the last version for Mac OS 9, 5.0.10 and later require Mac OS X.

Adobe only has Acrobat 7 available for download. Downloading it from anywhere else (to get a version you do not own) is both illegal and against the policies of this site.

All the methods I know of for adding links to an existing PDF require buying software. If you can't afford Adobe's price, then you could consider ebay. Acrobat 5, Acrobat 6 Standard, Acrobat 6 Professional, Acrobat 7 Standard and Acrobat 7 Professional are all able to run in Mac OS X and can be found on ebay.
Buy Acrobat Professional. You'll then be able to select your links and activate them and save them in your pdf. Reader lacks these advanced features (because it's a free app for viewing pdfs, mainly).