Deleting Apps!



Just wanted to find out if you guys delete any of your apps you don't use. For me I don't use GarageBand and Chess etc. Thx guys,

I used to delete GarageBand, iMovie, and other large apps when I had a smaller HD and needed the space. Today my HD is big enough that I don't feel the squeeze.

If you don't use them and want to save space, you can safely delete the applications from the Applications folder, and also the associated items in /Library/Application Support.

I'd never bother deleting Chess since it's tiny and does no harm. And occasionally it's fun to show it to people. :)
With small apple programs I leave them alone since they intergrade into iwork, etc. so well. Now for other third party programs that leave bits all or OS X I use a program called AppDelete. There are freeware programs like AppCleaner and others if you choose not spend money.

Most third party programs leave additions in /Users/YourUserNane/Library/Application Support/ and as well as other locations.
Chess is a good workout for your processor. It will heat up your system, and gets a good fan test while you let the Chess play out with computer vs computer. Plus, hardly worthwhile removing less than 4MB...