Disk utilities / antivirus


Are things like Norton Utilities / Antivirus worth investing in for OS X (10.2)?

I have never seen a Mac virus in the 4 years I have worked on one (OS 8.5 and onwards) so I'm not overly concerned about it but wondered if it might be worth it with X as Macs seem to be getting a bit more popular and therefore target-worthy.

As for disk utilities, the ol' OS 9 always liked Nortons and/or Diskwarrior now and again to keep it shipshape but is it a worth investment for X? (the upgrade will be around £60 so hardly breaking the bank)

Dear All,

Your right, in the six years that I have used a Mac, I have never had a virus. (Apart from Word Macro viruses, which don't work, but Norton AntiVirus tells me that I've got one)

All I can say is that it's piece of mind. Yes, Norton AnitVirus and Utilities are very good products, I have them. You can buy these software, but look at the alternatives:

Drive 10 from Micromat
The virus software that .Mac is offering.
Disk Warrior

At the end of the day, the decision is yours. How much do you value your data?
Location: Norwich eh. That be where I be :)

I think you've got it with "peace of mind". Norton Systemworks upgrade is about £60 so I think it will be purchased for unerase if nothing else because I'm far more of a threat to my files than any virus.
