Does Time Machine work with Ext. Drives other than Time Capsule?


Hi guys,

Obviously Time Capsule isn't the only solution of backing up data from one's Mac, but as far as Time Machine is concerned - is Time CAPSULE the only Ext. Hard Drive it will work with?

I need more than 1TB of data back up (or will do on down the line) so have been looking at Western Digitals Mac friendly products - but it doesn't say anything about whether Time Machine will work with them?

Or if anyone can suggest a Time Machine compatible drive (wireless back up) that is greater than 1TB other than Western Digital then it would be also greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance guys,
Yes, any external USB 2.0 or FireWire 400/800 hard drive will work.

I like building my own enclosures -- get a good Western Digital hard drive, slap it in an external case, and you're off to the races.
Yes, any external USB 2.0 or FireWire 400/800 hard drive will work.

I like building my own enclosures -- get a good Western Digital hard drive, slap it in an external case, and you're off to the races.
Did you miss the part where the OP said "wireless backup"

Did you miss the part where the OP said "wireless backup"


Um, yes... and I'm still missing it. ;)

I don't see where s/he specified "wireless," other than mentioning Time Capsule (which s/he may have confused with the only hard drive that will work with Time Machine, period).
Um, yes... and I'm still missing it.

This is a quote from the OP's message, the part you are having trouble seeing.;)

"Or if anyone can suggest a Time Machine compatible drive (wireless back up) that is greater than 1TB other than Western Digital then it would be also greatly appreciated."

I've accentuated the tough part for you.

I would read this to mean , they want an external drive that can do wireless backups using Time Machine in Leopard.

Actually, if you have an Airport Extreme Base Station with the latest firmware update, you can attach a drive to it and Time Machine will happily use that to backup to. I know you had to use a couple o tricks to get that to work earlier, but the firmware update in mid-March fixed that.
Thanks for the replies diablo/elander - particularly the connecting an ext. drive to airport base station- I am yet to buy my hardware as am awaiting funds before I make the switch, so that idea I hadn't thought of - appreciated.

As for you JBarley every forum should have someone like you to help those in moments where loss of sight occurs mid sentence! Lol