Error when burning a CD


I went to burn a CD today and continue to get the error message:
Sense key=medium error
Sense code= OX73, OX03
I had this problem before but thought it was a bad disk, when I would put another one in it would burn fine.
When I went to burn a new one today, using the same disks that I previously used I would get the above error.
I am using Toast Titanium 5.2, Sony discs.
There is a Roxio support community at Info there suggests that your problem is media-related. Try a different brand of disk, maybe Imation, Fuji, Ricoh, TDK or Verbatim. I would also suggest an update of Roxio. V 5.2 is pretty old now. I've successfully used v 6 Lite with OS X, but I use later versions for burning dvd's. If top-quality media will not burn with your optical drive (you don't say what brand it is), then that suggests a hardware upgrade.