EscapePod released! (Ambrosia software unsupported utility)


Unofficial Mac Genius
Andrew Welch developed a tiny little utility that will undoubtedly become very invaluable in OS X. It is at version 1.0d1, and he released this version today, but it works perfectly and is very simple.

From the Read Me
Why would I want it?

There are times that Mac OS X appears to be hung (especially in some games) when it really isn't -- just the frontmost application's GUI is wedged. Additionally, when the entire GUI appears to be hung, it is safer to do a force-logout than to simply reboot your machine (and it is quicker, too).

Thus, escapepod was created.

How do I use it?

Just double-click on the escapepod icon, and escapepod will launch. The first time you run it, it will display a splash screen that tells you what it does; you have to click OK before escapepod will be active. On subsequent launches, escapepod will just briefly display a splash screen and run silently in the background.

Even though escapepod's icon doesn't appear in your dock, it is indeed running after you launch it. If you want escapepod to be active automatically when you start up your computer, add it to your login items ("Login" in System Preferences).

To terminate the frontmost application, hit Control-Alt-Delete. WARNING: no confirmation dialog is displayed, the frontmost application is instantly killed.

To perform a force-logout, hit Command-Control-Alt-Delete. WARNING: no confirmation dialog is displayed, you are force-logged out immediately. As a minor safety check, though, escapepod does check to make sure the Command key is down just before hit executes a force-logout (in case you meant to hit just Control-Alt-Delete).

Yes, I know it smacks of the Windows keystroke, but this is going to be invaluable. There always needed to be an instant kill option in OS X, and this should do the trick. What would be even more invaluable is a key command that would instantly bring you to the command line – if you have the feature activated – so you do whatever to get back to normal – similar to MacsBug in OS 9.

The words I have to describe the sheer extent to which Ambrosia Software rocks can't be broadcast on primetime network TV...

The MPAA has given my description thereof a rating of R for strong language and sexual content...

As soon as the dough starts rolling in... I'm buying every single one of their applications (except EV2... not too interested in that...)

Originally posted by .dev.lqd

The words I have to describe the sheer extent to which Ambrosia Software rocks can't be broadcast on primetime network TV...

The MPAA has given my description thereof a rating of R for strong language and sexual content...

As soon as the dough starts rolling in... I'm buying every single one of their applications (except EV2... not too interested in that...)

Uh, you'd use strong sexual content in your description of how much Ambrosia software rocks? I must be missing something... :D

In regards to the escapepod, I am wondering how well it would work. If the frontmost app is in a state of wedgitude, then it might work fine. If the OS is wedged, what effect will escapepod have (if any)?
Way to post a link simX :)

I'll have to try it out, looks pretty cool. Quick question though, is the delete the delete key in the corner, or the backspace key?
Originally posted by ksuther
Quick question though, is the delete the delete key in the corner, or the backspace key?

I was wondering about that, too, not that it matters. Isn't 'delete' the equivalent to 'backspace' on a PC and 'forward delete' equivalent to 'delete'?