I have a friend of mine that has a pc(win98) with a ethernet port. He has some files on it that i want to transfer to my imac with ethernet. Is it as simple as to connect them together with a ethernet cable how would you do this. Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately it is not as simple as plugging the two machines in together. Now I'm not certian if plugging the two directly together will work or not. When I've done it I've always used a hub.
Now to copy files from his PC to your Mac should be fairly simple. Here's the steps to do so.
1. Make sure he has the files you want to copy in a shared folder.
2. You can use the built in SMB software, however it can be a bit complicated. So I suggest you download SMB Browse.
3. After installing it you should be able to run it. All you have to do is input the username and password for your friend's PC. If there is none, use a single space in the username and password fields.
From there you should be set. If you need anymore help feel free to email me at briandixon@mac.com
Depends on the type of connection. With mine I use a Linksys Router. However a friend of mine just plugs both of his into a hub and sets the computers to DHCP and it works fine. It depends on how your cable provider sets it up.