Fax Problem 0n 10.4.9 ?

Fred Flinstone

XP Divorcee - Mac Virgin
Hi - I just got back from holiday in Peru to the latest round of updates. Since I have somehow regained my 'business head' I decided finally to try and configure the fax function on my Intel iMac.

Sending seems fine.... no problems there. But with receive the phone just rings out and never gets intercepted by the Fax Modem and therefore I cannot receive faxes

My setup - external Mac Modem connected to a shared splitter with my Internet Modem connected directly to telephone port in the wall.

I feel Like I'm gonna follow this up with a lot of stupid questions but what I have done so far is to try configure this function via some of the web pages (for dummies) and As far as I can see I have done it all correctly. Maybe there is a bug with 10.4.9
Hi - Thanks for the quick reply. Forgot to mention I do have this part correctly configured.

What happens is that the phone just rings and rings and rings and the modem is not picking up the fax signal and intercepting it!

There is obviously not a problem with the modem as I can send faxes without any problem at all.

I read elsewhere there seems to be a problem with 10.4.9 that has kicked out the ability to receive faxes. In that forum they suggested a workaround (which is only any good if you have 2 macs and one is running 10.4.8 (which seemingly had no problem) - you could copy files to your 10.4.9 desktop and overwrite the files on 10.4.9, do a bit of deleting and clean up, restore prefs and reboot.

But I only have 1 Mac........
Yes, I think this is the post you're referring to.

What you can try, if you don't have another Mac running 10.4.8, is download the 10.4.8 Update and then try using Pacifist to extract those files from it.
Having a big problem with this...

I downloaded the 10.4.8 update and the only way I can locate these files is in a file called Archive.pax. It only contains 2 of the files I need to replace:

InternalModemSupport.kex and MotorolaSM56USM.kext

I think this fix is for PPC and not Intel......