Fetch FTP Client updated!


Staff member
Fetch 4, the best FTP client for Mac OS X (and the oldest Carbon app ever besides the Finder) has been updated to 4.02. Works very well now with Mac OS 10.1.3 and up (drag & drop didn't work with 4.01 on new system versions).

Btw. if you're a student, you can get an educational (free) license for the application. Just apply as mentioned on http://www.fetchsoftworks.com :)
I'm using ncftp all the time. On linux, that is. But if it's a GUI app you want, Fetch's the way to go.
Now if someone would just make a free (or cheap) scp/rsync+ssh/sftp client (only really needs to be one of the three, just something that works over an encrypted connection), all would be well. RBrowser is OK, but not worth the price to me...

ncftp? Who needs so many bells and whistles? It's interactive for crying out loud! curl, anything else is sinful luxury.
Originally posted by scruffy
Now if someone would just make a free (or cheap) scp/rsync+ssh/sftp client (only really needs to be one of the three, just something that works over an encrypted connection), all would be well. RBrowser is OK, but not worth the price to me...


;-) Part of the OpenSSH package I believe. Or did you mean GUI?