Final Cut Pro advice needed!


Hi everyone

I have a contact who is a doco film maker and uses Final Cut Pro to cut and edit all her movies. As this is not my area of expertise am posting here to grab some advice for her if poss.

She currently has a Powermac G4 677mhz with 768mb RAM and is running FCP 3.0. She is about to upgrade to the new intel PM G5 when it is released and is concerned that all the movies she has cut on her current system – will not be compatible with the new version of FCP/Intel G5 she will shortly be buying.

She is expecting to have to do some re-digitising work but is there anything she should be aware of in terms of Rosetta, universal FCP etc?? Obviously, she wont know herself on the new G5 considering what she is currently using (!) but is there anything she should be aware of prior to the switch?

Any help would be much appreciated.

All past versions of Final Cut Pro offer to take an old Project file and save it as a new project file compatible with the new version. I see no reason why the Universal version will be any different. I think the transition should be fairly smooth. However, bearing that in mind, once she copies everything over, I wouldn't erase the previous computer for a while, just to make sure, you know? ;-)
Heh... just being nit-picky, but the next tower probably won't be an "Intel G5" -- the Intel processor comes from Intel (uhhh... yeah), and the G5 processor comes from IBM. They're also two very different architectures: the Intel is CISC-based, and the G5 (a "PowerPC") is RISC based.

Kinda like saying, "My next car will be a Honda-Toyota." ;)
Heh... just being nit-picky, but that would actually be more like saying, "My next car will be a Honda Camry (or Toyota Accord, take your pick)."