Finder evolution


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
It's probably no news for most of you, but I just discovered Path Finder. It's an excellent evolution of the Finder. My favorite is the evolution the column display !

See below for my favorite evolution.


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I think the Finder won't be evolving much more. Spotlight will take over. In the keynote Steve said "I know a lot of people will never use the Finder again" or something like that. However Pathfinder is a pretty cool alternative.
jjeff said:
I think the Finder won't be evolving much more. Spotlight will take over. In the keynote Steve said "I know a lot of people will never use the Finder again"
to be honest i don't really care what the finder does, as long as i can view my files with no hassle. Whats so good about Path finder?
Browni said:
Whats so good about Path finder?

It has some advanced options that the Finder doesn't. I installed it once but went back to the normal one because I really didn't want finding my files to be complex.
I really like the drop stack. I always have work in several different folders and it helps getting them all in the right place. There are ways around it in finder itself, but drop stack rocks.
I like the hierarchical link on top of the columns. One click to go up as many levels as I wish.