FINDER in MAC not responding to keyboard


I have a MACbook PRO, 2.6Ghz Intel Core Duo, 4GB SDRAM, with aproximately 4.38GB HD storage space left. Operating Sytem: MAC OS X version 10.5.8

My FINDER is behaving erratically - in that, when I create new folders (which I can do with the mouse and right button) it will not allow me to name the file, as if the computer would not recognise the keyboard. What is weird, is that I then click on a web browser, or any other application and I can type as usual.

I assume it is then a problem with FINDER - which after forcing to relaunch, works fine for a little while, but shortly, the problem comes up again

Having to relaunch finder every 5mins is not my idea of a smoothe operating system.

I'm trying to liberate more space - but it is proving difficult as my main tool in order to back up files is finder.

Any advice?
How big is your HD? You need to leave min 10% free, ideally 15%. I suspect to have a pretty large HD and it is very full - and that does make Finder erratic all on its own.
Yep. Clear more space.
4.38GB free space would be enough if you have a 20 GB hard drive, or smaller.