

Normally, when I insert a DVD/CD into the DVD/CD tray, that CD shows up on the left side of the finder window after I name it. i can then drag files into the DVD and once they are on the dvd, I can click the "nuclear" symbol and burn it. For some reason, I cant see the CD nor the "burn" symbol in the left pane of the finder anymore. How can i get this back?
Are you missing the whole sidebar, or just the CD?

If you're missing the sidebar, simply double-click the little circle on the left border of the finder window.

If you're missing just the CD, from the "Finder" menu, click "Preferences..." and make sure "CDs, DVDs, and iPods" is checked.
Or the widget on the upper right side of the Finder window to turn the window back to Brushed Metal from Aqua (back to browser mode from spatial mode).