I had my International settings (System Preferences) set on on the languages English and then German. I've had this setting for years from OS 10.1.0 through 10.3.0. Today I wanted to try something out and moved German above English. I thought that my system would immediately change to the German version where possible. But nothing happened. For some reason I decided to relaunch the Finder. Something went wrong. The menu bar started blinking. I couldn't properly log out or restart my Mac. So I turned it off by pressing the on-button for a few seconds. I restarted my Mac. When I logged into my user account, the Finder wanted to launch but then it quit. I see the Desktop but no icons are showing. The Dock works. All the programs seem to work OK. But the Finder is not running. So I cannot access my Macintosh HD, open the System Preferences or do a Software Update from my account. Fortunately, my wife has also an account with administrator rights. So I logged into her account. Her Finder runs perfectly! Her System Preferences are unchanged: First English then German. So I decided to update to OS 10.3.2. This worked fine but did not help my problem. Does anyone know what is going on? Would reinstalling OS 10.3.0 from the CDs help???