fink config problem

mr. k

ok, so i was browsing the fink site ( and decided to finally fix my path so that i can open fink apps without typing /sw/bin/_____. so in the setup page there was a section called user enviroment ( i think, im going on memory here... ). so i sudo pico'd my .cshrc with <source /sw/bin/init.csh>, my .tcshrc with <source /users/kjell/.cshrc> and ~/Library/init/tcsh/path with <source /users/kjell/.cshrc> also. Those steps got the init.csh script to run, but now whenever i open up a new terminal session, the messages 'Last login: Wed Apr 16 16:00:52 on ttyp1' and 'Welcome to Darwin!' print, but then the terminal hangs for a few seconds until it prints '[Process completed]'. But then the session hangs indefinetly, and won't give me my prompt.
i was wondering 1.) why would the script hang my terminal ( did i set it up wrong ) and 2.) how should I fix it? bbedit is unable to open .cshrc, .tcshrc or /sw/bin/init.csh and i dont have any third party app's that let the finder display hidden files. is there a plist i can change to trash the setup files?
any help is appreciated.
here is a copy of the crash message coming from tcsh ( the type of shell i use in terminal ) :

Date/Time: 2003-04-16 18:49:17 -0500
OS Version: 10.2.5 (Build 6L29)
Host: kjell.local.

Command: tcsh
PID: 1084

Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xbff7ff10

Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x00014eb0 in 0x14eb0
#1 0x00005358 in 0x5358
#2 0x00004bcc in 0x4bcc (these locations go on, there are like 120 of them... )

just thought it might help... I deleted /sw and opened terminal, still no good so i installed the newest version .5.2 and still nothing, but i can't figure out whats wrong. any help would be much appreciated.
You can start by finding what files are being sourced. For every .rc file insert a start message at the start and end message at the end:

echo Start of _______ file
echo End of _______ file

and so then you can see which files are being used and also if any of these files is firing more than once (from what you said you did it sounds like this could be happening).

Then when the file that causes the exceptions is found, post it here. It sounds like you must have some pretty weird command running - an application maybe???


Yes but his problem is that he cannot even open the terminal anymore to fixup things.

I suggest to use a different shell temporarily. In Terminal preferences, change the shell command to bash instead of tcsh, this will launch the bash shell which does not read the .tcshrc and .cshrc files. After you have fixed your problem you simply revert the Terminal prefs to tcsh again.

BTW, bash is my preferred shell anyway.
ok, thats all. i fixed it up well once i could get under the finder, and both the suggestions helped. i just deleted the cshrc and .login - that fixed it. it looks like the .cshrc got called about five times then just stopped, but it works great now.