Flash and PDF plugins not working in Safari


I recently upgraded to Tiger and had pretty much no problems. Then one day, I couldn't get and flash or PDFs to load in Safari. I created a new user and everything seems to work out there, so it's something within my user settings.

I have deleted and reinstalled all Internet plugins, I have deleted and cleared all Safari cache and preference files (except the bookmarks). I have looked in the Application Support folder and removed anything I can think of that might be effecting Safari (i.e. AcidSearch). I even copied the Adobe PDF plugin and the flash plugins from the top level Library to my library's Internet Plugin folders - nada!

The only other thing I've done is installed Adobe CS2, but I can't find anything there that would effect my copy of Safari.

Can anyone offer me a suggestion?
Go to "Macintosh HD > Users > username > Library > Prefrences and move the com.Apple.Safari.plist file to the desktop. Reboot and see if Safari works. If it does and everything is fine in Safari, delete the file.

Hope this helps! :)

Also try repairing permissions:
1.) Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilites > Disk Utiliy
2.) Select "Macintosh HD" in Disk Utility and press "Repair permissions."
um. you don't need a PDF plugin for safari 2.0. it has built-in PDF support thanks to the Preview.app PDF engine