Fonts in Safari/Sticky/textEdit look like mixed up numbers

27 houdini's

guy with great hairdo
In safari, notepad and textedit i get this silly problem with fonts not displaying right. I looks like numbers mixed up and placed on top of eachother. I looks like a bug. How do i fix this?

I just reinstalled my system, i mean a clean install involving backing up my docs and erasing the disk etc.

I use a powerbook G4 1GB DDR SDRAM running OS 10.3.5


Go to the International PreferencePane and make sure English is under the Language Tab and US is checked iunder the Input Menu Tab.
thanx, but it doesn't help. It was already checked. what is character palette anyway?

I discovered that in textEdit if i toggle command B to make the text bold or plain the font switches from helvetica plain to helvetica fractions, now ain't that funny!

I thought about ditching the helvetica fraction font but that kind of crude i guess.
I have the same problem with gill sans .I already used font doctor to clean up my fonts and use suitcase 1x to manage them.

I also have problems with copy/paste by the way, soemtimes i just cannot paste copies i made into text fields in Safari. Mighty irritating i can tell you