FTP getting timed out


I am on OSX leopard - I used the regular file sharing without restrictions but I have some issues with some users getting accessed to other files.

So, I decided to do an FTP only accounts under mac osx posted at the site below (FTP server admin) and its really good because its what I want to restrict users to only their directory.

This is great, however, users getting timed out. The LIST is blank. Log shows its logged in and everything works well, except that the listing is blank - can not see anything. Is there any chmod to be done? I tried 777 but it does not help either. I re checked all the steps a few times and all is well for me did everything perfect.

Can you share how this can be fixed. thanks,
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I am aware of that, but the link you listed isn't working, so I don't know what that guide said.

edit: found the guide, which looks like it was written for 10.3 or 10.4, try the guide I posted, or the changes in it. For example, there is no netinfo manager in 10.5, you need to use system preferences and follow the guide to make an FTP account.
thats funny. I just was connected to it. now, its error.. uhm. but, anyway, yes, that link you posted is a copy of that site. the url is in one of the threads right in the middle of the conv of your link.

Any thoughts?

Oh yea. Netinfo Mgr was shred by apple so I had to use mostly terminal commands. But, yeah, its all done correctly.
Actually by adding ftpd.conf and inserting this directive
advertise all "ipAddress"

made the problem visible at the local server since I am inside a NAT. I did not realize until my users told me that they are getting timed out and nothing comes up on LIST command.

I really want to use the built-in OSX FTP server instead of installing anything other than waht it came with. There is nothing wrong with the OSX FTP except when I tried adding more security like this.
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