FTP server - what should I use (out-of-the-box or custom server)



I'm having an old mac on which I'm running MacOS 10.4.10 server.
I would like to use it as a simple FTP server (behind a routeur having it's dynamic public address associated to a dyndns hostname).

Looking at the out-of-the-box services, i saw the "FTP service" but then when I tried it, I'm getting several difficulties to access it from other remote computers (WinXP one with Filezilla, MacOSx one withh CyberDuck). Issues I got: after the FTP client connected successfully on the server, it hqngs during the directory listing, once I could start an upload of a file from a client, it failled!

Reading other posts, I've read some people installed a different FTP server, some other solved the issue by opening a set of ports, etc.

The question: is the built-in ftp server reliable and usable -or- should I choose to install another FTP server service on the MacOSX server?

Hi Olivier

Try PureFTPd Manager. http://jeanmatthieu.free.fr/pureftpd/

It is very graphical and easy to set up. You can set up your client manually via the GUI and/or link to the database (I am using MySQL organizing more than 5000 accounts) .

Yes, you will need to open up a set of port for the Passive FTP to work.
