G4MDD1.4 No Startup


Hello I searched but couldnt find what i was looking for and dont know what to search. My problem is that I left for a month and my g4 mdd dual 1.4ghz tower I left it on. When I came back my g4 was still running but my monitor is in sleep (orange light) when I moved the mouse nothing happend. So I forced restarted my g4 then I get this weird middle pitched tone and my power light flashes but still nothing on the monitor. then I forced restarted again then after a couple seconds the g4 shuts off. then i tried again and it shuts off. so then I opened it up and pressed the pmu button, I restarted the g4 then a normal startup beep and still a blank screen but I noticed when I pressed my caps lock button on my keyboard it doesnt light up. so then I thought my graphics card is bad. so I took it out. Then I restarted, this time i get a normal startup beep and it sounds like my hard drive is loading but there is nothing on the screen cause i took the card out. then I hit the caps key and it lit up this time. The keyboard only works if I take my graphics card out. anyways Im guessing I have a bad graphics card(nvidia geforce4 ti4600)?

I bought a graphics card on ebay and Im not sure if they are all the same (pc or mac) but I bought one which is an evga nvidia geforce4 ti4600 card that is agp. I installed it and turned on the comp. the graphics card fan runs, my keyboard functions, hard drive loads up but still nothing on the screen.