G5 PDF From Apple

It works but it's long to load (1.8M). Interesting reading... for those who have the money to buy a G5 ;)
Check out page 70.

It seems to show 2 different G5 machines with different numbers of RAM slots.

This is the kind of thing that has always got me in trouble. Apple tends leave out features from the low-end/cheaper models but never really publicize the differences.

I think this is a good hint that this will continue to be true with the G5 family... So keep your eye set on the mid and high-end models vs. the cheap one.
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Check out page 70.

It seems to show 2 different G5 machines with different numbers of RAM slots.

This is the kind of thing that has always got me in trouble. Apple tends leave out features from the low-end/cheaper models but never really publicize the differences.

I think this is a good hint that this will continue to be true with the G5 family... So keep your eye set on the mid and high-end models vs. the cheap one.

...the differences are crystal clear if ones visits here:

and check the characteristics of each and every one G5 at a time :D ;)

The low end model has the following limitations:
-800MHz "ONLY" FSB
-"SLOW" DDR333 128bit
-Up to "ONLY" 4GB of RAM
-3 "SIMPLE" PCI slots
and of course 1.6 GHz "ONLY" :p
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Check out page 70.

It seems to show 2 different G5 machines with different numbers of RAM slots.

This is the kind of thing that has always got me in trouble. Apple tends leave out features from the low-end/cheaper models but never really publicize the differences.

I think this is a good hint that this will continue to be true with the G5 family... So keep your eye set on the mid and high-end models vs. the cheap one.

it also mentions at least two different configurations of PCI speeds. I thought it was a typo on page 12, but it is the same on other pages as well. Seems like quite a hit on bus speed for the "low end"

In some configurations of the Power Mac G5, one slot runs at
a maximum of 133 MHz and two slots run at a maximum of 100 MHz. In other
configurations of the Power Mac G5 computer, all three slots run at 33 MHz.
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