General Terminal Confusion


First off I just got the hang of using fink and the terminal a little bit after much confusion and I have to say - It Rules! Apple are geniuses for putting such an awesome UI on UNIX. Fink are geniuses for getting all the porgrams to work automatically and play nice.
But I have some general confusion about terminals.
I am using 10.3 with fink binary 0.6.1 and apple's X11 server. recognizes commands sent to fink but cannot open xapps giving a *Cannot open display error*
When I start x11, it does not recognize fink commands, but starts xprograms just fine. It does reocgnize fink after I type source /sw/bin/ a la the fink insturctions, but I have to do this every time I start up. I also cannot get the dock menu in x11 to launch the apps I want. What do I have to type in the configure box to get it to work right? On top of these issue, I want to use iTerm because its authors are geniuses too. So how can I get iTerm to recognize fink and x11 everytime I start up? Or if I can't, how do I tell the xterm to recognize fink upon launch? I understand this has to do with init scripts but I can't find any of those scripts in my system.
I have foudn some projects that I want to add to fink when I learn to package binaries so please help me out with this issues and I willt try to serve the fink community back for all this awesome/genius stuff! Thanks. JOe
check out the thread on Executable file paths in the bash shell, should work for you as well.
When you start X11 it reads settings form a file in your home directory (~) called ".xinitrc". There is a tutorial/explanation over at the fink site on what should be in it. Put "source /sw/bin/" at the beginning of the .xinitrc file (make one if you don't have one) and your problems are solved.