Getting my beige G3 wireless: Possible?


Hello! I hope I am posting this topic in the proper forum. If it is not, please move it.

I have an old, beige G3 that is in perfect operating condition that I would like to give to my mother-in-law to use for internet and email. I have an Airport Extreme and cable modem. The G3 is not internally set up for wireless, but it does have an ethernet connection. Is there a product I can hook up through the ethernet connection which will receive the Airport signal and allow her to access the internet and email?

Thanks so much for any assistance.
Get the Buffalo WLI2-PCI-G54 54Mbps Wireless Desktop PCI Adapter. I bought one for my Blue and White G3 Rev 1 PowerMac and it works like a charm. It thinks it is an Airport Extreme card so you don't need any software other than Airport.